Points of You Training

Points of You® are tools created to be used with individuals or groups.

The series of Official Points of You® trainings are created to provide practitioners with a standard, logical process to be trained

to the highest levels of competency with the Method and Process.

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What is Points of You

Points of You is a powerful tool for coaching, training and therapy. It is designed to help professionals around the world to enhance their work. The usage of these tools create conditions for quality communication between people. When we work with these cards, we are inspired to say some things that we do not normally (or dare to) say in our ordinary llfe. 

Participants are given the opportunity to look at their issues from different perspectives and the process instigates a change (at least temporarily) to their usual reactions, approaches to their lives, thoughts and actions in a conscious manner.

Based on phototherapy principles, Points of You tools (when used by trained practitioners) has the potential to bring clients into deep processes of therapeutic change. 

However, these tools can also be used in other context such as Leadership and Communication trainings or even visioning processes for corporations. 

The possibilities are endless.

Different levels of training

Points of You provides a stepped training programme with 4 levels of trainings for practitioners.  Starting from Level 1, practitioners will experience the Magic of our tools & Method that is taught across the world. You will be introduced to 'The Coaching Game' & 'Punctum' and be familiarised with the 'Points of You' story, philosophy and values.

                       At Level 2, practitioners will obtain a deeper appreciation of the Method and Process and be equipped with competencies and knowledge to be able to create their own unique workshops.

At Level 3,  practitioners are engaged in an inspiring 5 days workshop where they will experience the power of our tools while gaining a wealth of theoretical and practical knowledge. 


 These training are ICF Accredited and participants will earn CCEUs.


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Join the Singapore Points of You tribe today!

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Participants of our Introduction to Points of You training 

Find out more about Points of You 
